Alto Jaguar Smart Restorations

Classifieds - Jaguar & Daimler Parts for Sale

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Reconditioned Headlights from 2005 Jaguar X Type

For Sale: 2 reconditioned headlights, left and right from a 2005 X-Type. Jaguar Hella 1X43-13W030-AK. Jaguar Hella 1X43-13W029-AK. The headlights were reconditioned with new adjusters, and have been in storage for a few years.
They came from a family owned vehicle repair shop which closed down. Located in Glebe, NSW 2037

$900 the pair

Glebe, NSW

0431 415 236
[email protected]


Radiator for S3 E Type

Original factory coolant radiator including transmission cooler. Suitable for automatic or manual S3 E Type V12. Was reconditioned several years ago and was recently removed from vehicle while functioning perfectly. Keeps engine temperature in middle of "NORMAL" range on gauge. Radiator drain tap missing handle.


0407 222 016
[email protected]


Chrome Wire Wheels - S3 E Type

Four (4) 72 spoke chrome wire wheels, 15" x 6" 52mm flat hub - bead laced, with tyres fitted. Suit S3 E Type V12. Chrome is generally in good condition. A couple of bent spokes and some minor corrosion but certainly serviceable. Tyres have plenty of wear left but due to age probably need replacing. $600 for the lot.


0407 222 016
[email protected]


Remote door lock units

End of stock. Remote door lock system, comes complete with fitting instructions – 2 x Button controls & schematic, prewired with fittings for Jaguar models listed below. Units are also wirelessly pre-activated.
To fit XJ6 - XJ12 Series 2 models & pre 1981 XJS (models with a pre-existing door switch in the center console).
AUSTRALIA only: To purchase a unit for your model please email me: [email protected] Units are $AU50 (includes postage). Please quote which button type you want “A” or “C”. **Only one type C left.

$50 includes postage


0432 150 978
[email protected]

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© 2022 The Jaguar Drivers' Club of Australia PO Box 1485.
Macquarie Park NSW 2113.
Concours Sportscar Restorations Ron Lawrence - D 7 G Auto Transmissions