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About Us

A Message From Our President Maureen Alexander

If you have a passion or even a passing interest in Jaguars and would like to enjoy yourself with others who have similar interests, we should be able to steer you in the right direction. The Club has over 650 memberships – with many of those memberships including husband and wife/partner. We have many people involved in the club who can assist with your problems or enquiries…as long as they have to do with Jaguars of course.

This website is pretty well self-explanatory by navigating along the top line, but if you’re after information on a particular model, or the sporting side, just select “Registers” and then find the group from the short descriptions which best describes what you’re after.

Our calendar gives information about all JDCA activities as well as car-related events being run by other organizations. Bookings through the website are normally required. One thing you can be sure of is our runs have the general aim of enjoying a good time and usually involve a drive to some location where we socialise over a picnic lunch or bar-be-que, or even at a restaurant. Occasionally some runs may be country weekend trips with the opportunity to stay overnight. Any cars are welcome, but it would be great if you could bring a Jag.

Several times a year, members are able to ‘show’ their Jaguars, regardless of condition or type, to interested members of the public and other club members. For example, in the later part of the year the JDCA holds its annual Display Day and Concours when over 200 Jaguars assemble. Another high point for the display enthusiast, or those members that just like to have a good time and get together with other Jag enthusiasts, is the Jaguar National Rally. Hosted in a different State each time, Jaguar Clubs throughout Australia come together for social, sporting and display events.

On the Sporting side, if you’re interested in full-on racing, SuperSprinting (timed laps) or Motorkhana, then there are many opportunities throughout the year using major circuits such as Sydney Motorsport Park, Wakefield Park (temporarily closed) and Winton.

We meet on the third Tuesday of every month at the Silverwater Hotel, 214 Silverwater Road, Silverwater (adjacent to the bridge over Parramatta River), except in December when we have a casual Christmas lunch. The meetings start at 7.00 pm, however, many members arrive early to socialise over a good meal from the Bistro. It is a great place to meet other club members who share your interest Sometimes we invite guest speakers to speak about topics of interest to our members.

Club membership has many other benefits including our excellent “Australian Jaguar Driver” monthly magazine, the ability to purchase Club Regalia, access to an extensive library and an informative Club website, conditional registration and so much more. You can join online by clicking HERE or the “Join Now” tile on the Home page.

As a JDCA club member, the opportunities to enjoy yourself are immense - why not come and join us?


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© 2022 The Jaguar Drivers' Club of Australia PO Box 1485.
Macquarie Park NSW 2113.
V & A Spiteri Mike Roddy Motors