Conditional Registration of Historic Vehicles in NSW
General Information
In each State of Australia Vehicle Registration is controlled by that State’’s appropriate Governing Body. In NSW that body is Transport for NSW.
Under the Passenger Transport Act 1990 Historic and Classic vehicles manufactured 30 or more years ago are eligible for conditional registration provided certain conditions are met.
Transport for NSW regulates two schemes under which Jaguar vehicles may qualify for conditional registration; the Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS) and the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS).
The HVS scheme provides for vehicles which were manufactured 30 or more years ago and are essentially in their original specification and unmodified. Limited modifications related to safety such as seat belts, indicators or the fitting of period accessories are permitted.
If a vehicle has modifications which require a motor engineer’s certification under Transport for NSW VSI-6 (vehicle standard instruction 6) it cannot be registered under the HVS scheme.
Under the HVS scheme the vehicle owner will be provided
with a “Log Book” that provides for 60 days of private use of the vehicle as
well as attending approved Club events of your Primary club. If you do not take up the “Log Book” option
then use of the vehicle is limited to approved Club events of your Primary club and very limited
distance maintenance runs.
Under the HVS scheme the Transport for NSW approved Car Club’s authorised representative must sign and stamp the Transport for NSW form1259 prior to applying for conditional registration. You also must complete form 1246 Application for Conditional Registration, have a hand written pink slip and proof of vehicle ownership.
If the vehicle is 30 years or older and has modifications which require a motor engineer’s certification under VSI-6 the vehicle may be conditionally registered under the CVS scheme.
Under this scheme use of the “Log Book” is compulsory. The vehicle may also be used for 60 days for limited private use.
To effect conditional registration under this scheme the Transport for NSW approved Car Club’s authorised representative must stamp Transport for NSW form 1835 and sign and stamp the CMC Checklist form. Form 1835 must also be signed and stamped by the delegated officer of the Confederation of Motor Clubs prior to being submitted to Transport for NSW. You will also need a hand written blue slip from an authorised inspection station as well as a completed form 1246 and proof of purchase..
Transport for NSW website references include;-
Historic Vehicle Declaration (1259)
Classic Vehicle Declaration (1835)
Application for Conditional registration (1246)
Regulations in Summary
- Your vehicle must have been manufactured 30 or more years ago.
- You must be a current financial member of a Transport for NSW approved Historic Car Club such as the Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia (JDCA).
- For conditional registration as a Historic vehicle under the HVS scheme, the vehicle must be as close to original specifications as possible. Minimal alterations for safety purposes or fitting of period accessories are permitted.
- If the vehicle has more substantial modifications which require a motor engineer’s certification, it may be conditionally registered under the Classic Vehicle Scheme.
- Under both the HVS and CVS schemes your vehicle must be approved by the conditional registration registrar of the Historic Car Club of which you are a member and meet the Transport for NSW criteria. You must have a hand written pink slip from an authorised inspection station but also for first time registration under the CVS scheme you must have a hand written blue slip from an authorised inspection station.
- Your registration must be endorsed by the appropriate representative of the Historic Car Club of which you are a member prior to driving the car. Under CVS authorisation is also required from the Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs.
- The JDCA requires you take up the “Log Book” option under HVS so you may utilise the vehicle for an additional 60 days for private use. These runs must be recorded in the Log Book. Under CVS use of the Log Book is compulsory. The Logbook option is free of charge and is in common use by all of our members on conditional registration.
- Without the use of the “Log Book” option under the HVS scheme your vehicle can only be used for Club events that are listed in the Club’s monthly magazine, including displays for Club promotional purposes as agreed by the Committee. Attendance at the Club's general meetings and committee meetings. You may attend events conducted by other Clubs from which an invitation has been received by the Historic Car Club of which you are a member and your Club approves the event for attendance by its members and limited Maintenance runs.
- Please note that holders of Conditional Registration Plates are reminded that the use of the vehicle other than that stated in the Transport for NSW policy, renders the vehicle unregistered and uninsured. Remember you must carry your registration papers, Club membership card and Club magazine or other evidence with you in the car at all times.
- Conditional registrations cannot be transferred. If you sell the vehicle, the conditional registration must be cancelled and the plates returned. The new operator can then apply for a new conditional registration.
- If you cancel your Conditional Registration for any reason there is no refund for the number plate or administration fees. However, a Cancellation Letter will be sent so that you can have the unused portion of your CTP insurance refunded.
- Note: - In some circles Conditional Registration is also referred to, or called Historic Registration, or alternatively Conditional Historic Registration. Historic Registration and Classic Registration should not be confused.