Parramatta Jaguar Alto Jaguar

How to Advertise

Classified advertisements will appear both on this web site and in the Australian Jaguar Driver magazine.

Advertisements will appear for a period of three months (three consecutive monthly issues) or until you inform us that you have sold the car or want to withdraw the ad whichever is shorter.

MEMBERS ONLY may submit advertisements directly by clicking on the "Submit your own Classified" tile in the classifieds sections. If you are not logged on at the time you will be taken to a login screen first. If you are already logged in you will bypass the login screen. After logging in you will be presented with a form where you can select the type of advert you are submitting, then enter item details and photos. [NOTE: the "Main Image" is the photo that will appear in the printed magazine. Other "Images" will only appear on the web site]. Once you submit your ad it will be sent to Web Admin for style and typographic editing and for submission to the magazine editor. Hence there will be a delay (approx 1-2 days) before your advert goes "live". 

At no additional cost, advertisers may supply up to 8 photos to appear on the website however only one photo will be printed with each advertisement in the Australian Jaguar Driver magazine.

Photos must be supplied in JPG format. We strongly recommend photos be in LANDSCAPE orientation. If not, the system will automatically crop them to LANDSCAPE with undesirable results. Photos embedded in a PDF or a word document will not be accepted.

Emailed copy is preferred and should be sent to [email protected]. If you don’t have access to email or would rather post the ad then it must be typed and must include name, address, phone and membership number, if applicable.

Any photos sent with posted ads must be printed photos on photographic paper, not embedded in a PDF or a word document.

Classified advertisements are free to JDCA club members and members of sister Jaguar Clubs for private purposes and $25 to non members.

Advertisements can be submitted by email or mailed with your cheque (if applicable) to:

PO Box 1485
Macquarie Park, NSW 2113

Direct deposits by EFT transfer may be made to:

Account Name: Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia
BSB: 062 000 Account No.: 10331977

Advise your Surname & mark for classified advert

Cheques should be made out to the Jaguar Drivers Club Of Australia and posted to the address above.

Deadline: Third Tuesday of the month prior to issue - coincides with the monthly Club Meeting Night,

For full details of what information is required in you advertisment and the Terms of Use for this Site please refer to the Terms of Use.

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© 2022 The Jaguar Drivers' Club of Australia PO Box 1485.
Macquarie Park NSW 2113.
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