JDCA members are unable to provide Jaguars for hire as wedding cars or for any other paid transport type occasion. Transport Roads and Maritime Services regulations and insurance requirements limit this service to businesses licensed to do so.
Members can and do however supply their cars for photographic occasions such as for making advertisements. Contact should be made in the first instance with the appropriate Register Secretary (through the Contact us button) for the particular type of car needed for this purpose.
Acronym or Nick Name | Definition | Comment |
ACJC | Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs |
The Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs (ACJC) was formed in 1984-85. It is a federation of the eight Jaguar Clubs in Australia that cater to the whole range of models in the Jaguar marque. The primary objectives of the ACJC are:
AHOC | Austin Healey Owners’ Club (NSW) Inc. | (http://www.austinhealeyclubnsw.org.au/) |
AROCA | The Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia | (http://www.alfaclub.org.au/) |
CAMS | Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd | CAMS has been the custodian of motor sport in Australia since 1953. CAMS is the National Sporting Authority (ASN) for motor sport in Australia, delegated this responsibility by the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) in 1970. The FIA aims to ensure that motor sport is conducted in accordance with the highest standards of safety and fairness and CAMS, with 163 other ASNs in 119 nations, are committed to carrying out this mission (http://www.cams.com.au/). |
Classic Car | Classic Automobile | A classic vehicle is one that is eligible to be registered under the NSW Historic Vehicle Concessional Registration scheme. Hence the vehicle has to be 30 or more years old at the end of the current year. Clubs such as the Classic Rally Club Inc (CRC) use this definition. Some insurance companies, however, consider cars 20 years or older as “classic” cars, offering special insurance rates. |
Club Plates | Number plates issued by the Roads and Maritime Services, NSW (RMS) for conditional registration | Members with cars on conditional registration are limited as to when they may drive on public roads and are obliged to prove to the RTA and Police Authorities that the vehicle is on the public roads for legitimate purpose. At all times when driven on the road, the member must carry JDCA Club membership card and the letter of authority from the club for the vehicle to be in use, or, a copy of the current magazine showing that the event to which the vehicle is being driven is one which is approved by the Executive of the JDCA (http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/registration/conditionalregistration). |
CMC | The Council of Motor Clubs, Inc | Formally known as The Council of Veteran, Vintage and Thoroughbred Motor Clubs (CVVTMC), the CMC was formed in 1964 by five Sydney-based car clubs as a body to represent the interests of the historic and classic vehicle movement. In late 2005, the CMC welcomed its 130th specialty motoring club to affiliate. These 130 clubs contain over 26,500 members with diverse interests that include trucks, buses, trams, ex-military vehicles, fire engines, motor cycles/scooters and cars, road going and racing, from the veteran, vintage, pre-war, post-war and modern eras. The CMC represents affiliated clubs and their members with authorities such as the Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW (RTA) with reference to Conditional Historic Registration and the Federal Government on matters relating to the Classic Car movement. The CMC is not a “controlling” body; it only issues guidelines or advice on an issue when requested. The CMC stages a number of events each year for the participation of members of affiliated clubs and to enthusiastically showcase the Classic Car movement to the general public. (http://www.councilofmotorclubs.org.au/) |
CRC | Classic Rally Club Inc | The CRC aims to provide an association to promote the enjoyment of classic car rallies and recreational use of classic cars in rallies and to promote, foster and encourage the restoration and technical knowledge of classic cars for use in rallies (http://www.classicrallyclub.com.au). |
CSCA | The Combined Sports Car Association | The CSCA is made up of seven car clubs: Austin Healey Club of NSW, Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia Ltd, Lotus Club Australia, MG Car Club of Sydney, Morgan Owners' Club of Australia, The Sprite Car Club of Australia and Triumph Sports Owners Association. CSCA conducts SuperSprint racing at seven events during each calendar year (http://www.pau7l.com/csca/Default.htm) |
CVVTMC | The Council of Veteran, Vintage and Thoroughbred Motor Clubs | The CVVTMC is the former name of The Council of Motor Clubs, Inc (CMC – see above) (http://www.councilofmotorclubs.org.au/) |
DHC | Drop Head Coupe | Refers to the vehicle body configuration.- Two door vehicle with a fold down roof |
DOHC | Double Over Head Cam(shaft) | Refers to the camshaft arrangement on a vehicle engine that actuate the cylinder valves. |
F1 | Formula 1 Motor Racing | The epitome of international single-seater motor racing (http://www.formula1.com/). |
FHC | Fixed Head Coupe | Refers to the vehicle body configuration.- Two door vehicle with fixed roof |
HRCC | The Historic Racing Car Club of Queensland | (see HSRCA; http://www.hsrca.org.au/) |
HSRCA | Historic Sports and Racing Car Association of NSW, Inc | Established in 1981, the HSRCA organises and runs four major historic race meetings each year at circuits such as Eastern Creek, Oran Park and Wakefield Park. The HSRCA caters for cars from the early 1920s through to the racing and sports cars of the 1980s. In addition they hold regular club meetings, various social events, club plate runs. The HSRCA club magazine, 'The Oily Rag', is well regarded and is published quarterly; it is available only through membership in one of the participating clubs - the HSRCA, the Victorian Historic Racing Register (VHRR) or the Historic Racing Car Club of Queensland (HRCC). (http://www.hsrca.org.au/) |
JagMag | The Jaguar Magazine | JagMag or Jaguar Magazine is an Australian Publication dedicated to all things Jaguar. It is sold by the normal magazine sellers such as news agents etc. bur supplied free to members of the Jaguar Drivers Club Australia Ltd as a part of their membership. (JDCA) http://www.jaguarmagazine.com/ |
JDCA | Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia Limited | Your current Jaguar Club (http://www.jaguar.org.au/). |
JDCC | The Jaguar Drivers' Club of Canberra | http://www.jdcc.org.au/ |
JDCHR | Jaguar Drivers' Club Hunter Region | http://www.jaguarhunter.org.au/ |
JDCQ | Jaguar Drivers Club of Queensland | http://www.jagqld.org.au/ |
JDCSA | Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia Inc | (http://www.jdcsa.org/) |
JDCT | Jaguar Car Club of Tasmania Inc | http://www.jagtas.org.au/ |
JCCV | Jaguar Car Club of Victoria Ltd | http://www.jagvic.org.au/ |
JDCWA | Jaguar Car Club of Western Australia Inc | http://www.jaguarcarclubofwa.com.au/jaguarcarclubofwa/ |
NRMA | National Roads and Motorists’ Association Limited | In February 1920, a group of business friends, led by the well-known racing car driver Boyd Edkins, felt the need to start a roads association in response to the new wonder of the age - the motor car. The 50-strong group of friends decided an organisation was vitally needed to protect motorist’s requirements and offer roadside assistance and guidance. Thus the NSW branch of the National Roads Association (NRA) was born and in 1923 became the NRMA (http://www.nrma.com.au/). |
OTS | Open Two Seater | Refers to the vehicle body configuration.- Open top two seat sports car |
POTY | Photographer of the Year |
The club member who personally submits the best or most interesting cover photograph which is used in the club magazine “The Australian Jaguar Driver” in that calendar year. |
RACQ | Royal Automotive Club of Queensland | |
RACV | Royal Automotive Club of Victoria | Victorian equivalent to the NSW National Roads and Motorists’ Association (NRMA) (http://www.racv.com.au/) |
RMS | Roads and Maritime Services, NSW | The RMS is the NSW State Government agency responsible for improving road safety, testing and licensing drivers and registering and inspecting vehicles, and managing the road network in NSW to achieve consistent travel times (http://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/). |
ROTY | Register Of The Year | The Register in the Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia (your Club) that stands out the most for the event(s) organized in a year. |
SCCSA | The Sporting Car Club of South Australia Inc. | Founded in Adelaide on the 22nd May 1934, the SCCSA celebrated our 72nd successful year in 2006. The SCCSA is one of Australia’s oldest Motorsport and all marque motorcar clubs with Members owning an estimated 5000 historic motor vehicles between them. This makes it the largest motorcar club of its kind in Australia (http://www.sportingcarclubsa.org.au/) |
TBA | To Be Announced | |
TBC | To Be Confirmed | |
Veteran Car | Veteran Automobile | Automobiles produced before 1919. |
VHRR | The Victorian Historic Racing Register | (see HSRCA; http://www.hsrca.org.au/) |
Vintage Car | Vintage Automobile | Automobiles produced between 1919-1930. |
WOTY | Writer Of The Year | The club member who personally writes and submits the best or most interesting article or story in the club magazine “The Australian Jaguar Driver” in that calendar year. |